We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...

We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...
1997's Climb

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 2nd

          In our neighborhood, the mood today was somber, as we remembered the life of Seth Hopkins, who passes away on Friday.  His life was a constant challenge, and his parent, Denise and Dave, worked tirelessly to take care of Seth and to keep him happy.  We like to see him on campus at Cottonwood and we'd always say hi.  Last year, his parapro having an ailing back, gave me the opportunity to help lift Seth in and out of his wheel chair when ever she needed help.  Denise and Dave have been so strong having lost their son, and we will pray for them.  Autumn and I visited with them and brought them homemade marinara, hoping they find solace in food, as we have.  Once again, I told them that I will not say that I understand what they are going through, but we do know loss...I have no doubt that Kim was there to great Seth when he entered Heaven's gates...
          We kicked around what exactly we had done last year - seems that all that I wrote about last night was accurate.  We had a big crowd around the dinner table tonight, as Angie, Mark, Andrea, Mario, David, Lexy, Breanna, Janene, Brendon, Bryson, Kason, Kim, Rashon, Mariah, Micah, Maleah, Alah, Henry (Angie's sister), Sandy and Jack (Angie's cousin) joined us. 
           We spent some time around the nitcho, and talked about Kimmy.  The garden is growing so well right now.  Everyone seemed to like the nitcho and enjoy the time out there around it.  The 12 bambini played so nicely together! No dispute, no injuries - lots of Nerf guns, running out back, big kids playing hide 'n seek, etc.
          It felt like Kim was here, in terms of food, preparation, display, serving and clean up.  But.  It was a total collaborative effort.  Without my Dad and Vi's help.  And, Angie and her family's group help, it would not have happened.  Everyone played their part in making it a memorable evening.
         Mario and I found ourselves to be the soul survivors, flipping between the Ravens v Jets game and the Phillies v Cardinals playoff game.  Alas, we watched in horror as the Phils dropped on to the Cards.  At least I did not have to face that alone!
                    Angie holds little Maleah at the dinner table.  Maleah is pulling off the best yawn!!

Earlier today, at Viro's, Vito 'borrowed' Autumn's fedora!  Nice fit V!

How do I end this one?  Autumn thought about it..."All in all, it was a great day!  Especially dinner with all our family!!".


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